Hacktoberfest 2020 is here

Get your pull requests by contributing to Carbon.

Scott Strubberg
3 min readOct 1, 2020


Hacktoberfest 2020 ya’ll.

You know the drill. Make four meaningful pull requests for an open source project and get yourself some swag or plant a tree! You can sign up anytime through the entire month of October. Lucky for you, the Carbon Design System is open source and ready for your PRs.

Let’s get started

The Carbon Design System comes in many flavors. You can choose from issues in React, Angular, and Vue.js. You can also contribute to carbon-charts, Carbon’s website, or Carbon’s Gatsby theme. All of them are aggregated for you here. (👈 Be sure you’re logged into Github first!) Issues that have a hacktoberfest label should be limited in scope and great for first-time contributors, or those who have already contributed to Carbon.

So many issues!

Get started now! 👉 https://tinyurl.com/carbon-hacktoberfest (Be sure you’re logged into Github first!)

Contribute to Carbon

We recommend checking out carbon-components-vue, carbon-components-angular, carbon-charts, gatsby-theme-carbon, and carbon-components-react. These are some of our most significant projects, and we’re always looking for help from contributors.

Look for the hacktoberfest label inside each project’s issues. Issues that have this label are open to any type of contributor who wants to participate in Hacktoberfest.

Each project has a CONTRIBUTING.md file that outlines how you can get the project up and running! For example, here are our contribution guidelines for React.

Alternatively, you can watch our very own Josefina Mancilla walk you through a contribution to Carbon.

Josefina dropping truth during FEDucation, a monthly learning series maintained by IBM’s Front-end Development community.

Get more support

The Carbon team is always available to answer questions related to our work. Join our Discord server and strike up a conversation with any one of us. We’ll have actual humans ready to help get you where you need to be.

Are you an IBMer?

This year, IBM is challenging employees to participate in Hacktoberfest. If you’re one of the first 75,000 Hacktoberfest participants to complete a challenge, you could win some swag. Plus, the first 250 IBMers to complete the Hacktoberfest challenge will also be rewarded with some IBM Developer swag. In addition, if you successfully land a pull request for the first time, you will be eligible for an IBM Open Source Contributor badge!

To learn more, visit https://w3.ibm.com/developer/hacktoberfest/.

Apologies to all our non-IBMer friends, this resource is behind the firewall 🔥.

You made it this far!

Scott Strubberg is a Front-end Developer, Carbon Design System Maintainer, and pretty handy with Design Tooling at scale. He is based out of Austin, TX. The above article is personal and does not necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies, or opinions.

Carbon is IBM’s design system, offering styles, components, patterns, and guidelines for anyone building on the web.

Questions or comments about Carbon? Reach out at carbon@us.ibm.com or tweet us @_carbondesign.

